You Are Running Your Own Race: Persevere

A lot of amazing things happen in this video.

"Bhutan’s Kinzang Lhamo, who was her nation's flag bearer at the Opening Ceremony, fulfilled her promise to finish an Olympic marathon. Though she finished in last place with a time of 3 hours, 52 minutes and 59 seconds, she received a standing ovation from spectators at the finish line."
"Bhutan’s Kinzang Lhamo, who was her nation's flag bearer at the Opening Ceremony, fulfilled her promise to finish an Olympic marathon. Though she finished in last place with a time of 3 hours, 52 minutes and 59 seconds, she received a standing ovation from spectators at the finish line."

The fortitude shown by Olympian, Kinzang Lhamo, demonstrates how you are running your own race.

Yes, this was the Olympics so competition is ingrained, but it didn't have to be the defining aspect of the events. Competition and comparison also does not have to be how you choose to live your life.

This Olympian finished more than 50 minutes after the runner before her and did not give up.

She believed in herself and completed the task she was there to do, run her race.

Comparing yourself negatively to others can drain you of your motivation.

"It's a lot harder to do this than to just stop."
NBC Commentator

Throughout your life you have countless experiences. Sometimes you are running the race and sometimes you are a spectator.

This Olympian had the support of the people around her, complete strangers. Hundreds ran alongside her and waited for her at the finish line. The moral support they offered likely served as motivation.

On a daily basis you can choose to support others in similar ways.

-Notice those around you who are offering you support.
It's not a sign of weakness to accept their support.

-You are powerful. Your Support is powerful.
Be a support to others.

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