Being Kind: Journal, Conversation, Meditation Prompts

"When I was young, I admired clever people.
Now that I am old, I admire kind people."
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

Let this quote on kindness help you reflect on the following questions.

Consider using the following as prompts for journaling, thoughtful conversations, and/or meditation.

What does kindness mean to you?

  • In what ways do you lead with kindness in your life?
  • What external factors make it challenging to be kind at times?
  • What internal factors make it challenging to be kind at times?

In what ways do you use all of your kindness reserves (the water inside your kindness cup) on others and not have any for yourself?

  • How often does this happen?
  • What are the consequences?

How you can you act kindly toward others while still holding the capacity to be kind to yourself?

  • What can you do to refill your kindness cup?
  • What can you say to challenge negative thoughts you may have related to not being worthy of kindness?
  • What action can you do today to demonstrate kindness toward yourself?

Ultimately, if you are not kind to yourself, you may run out of kindness resources for others.

Be someone you admire.
Be kind.

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