Preorder New Book: You Will Get Through This

Recalibrate Your Internal Compass.

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean

When you feel lost, sad, angry, stuck, or defeated take a step back from the situation and try to gain a new perspective. Even in genuinely frustrating situations, the stories you are telling yourself may be blocking your view of a new direction.

Take some time to write out your responses to the following questions:

  • What is causing me to feel stuck?
  • What stories am I telling myself about the situation?
  • In what ways are these stories factual?
  • In what ways are these stories based on my negative assumptions?

Once you have a sense of the story you are telling yourself and the ways in which is it limiting you, reflect on whether you feel connected to your values. What you value most can help get you back on course.

Examples of values: family, achievement, faith, love, adventure, fun, security, genuineness, compassion, wisdom, etc.)

Consider the following:

  • What are my core values (top 3-5 values)?
  • In what ways am I living my values in this current situation?
  • In what ways am I not living my values?
  • What resources do I have that I have neglected or underutilized in this situation?

Ultimately, ask yourself...

If I let my values guide my steps, what would be my next course of action?

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I am available to speak to you, your association or organization about mental health, wellness, and more.

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