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Thoughts on Family Medicine Essay: "The Best Gift a Mom Could Give."

"This intense journey solidified my identity and built my competence and courage as a healer. Acting as a daughter and physician from diagnosis until her death transformed me into a family physician."
Dominique Fons, MD
Photo by Julie Radico

I appreciate the grace and compassion Dr. Dominique Fons writes with in sharing how she navigated her mother's battle with cancer.โค๏ธ

Navigating the complexity in balancing the roles of clinician, caretaker, decision maker, and adult child (likely with a family of your own that you are caring for) is a hardship many face.

Being in the medical profession doesn't make these experiences easier and can sometimes make it harder to let yourself fall apart or grieve when needed. You may feel like you need to be strong for others, become the point person in talking with other medical professionals about your loved one's care, and have to explain the medical jargon to your family.

Call to action:

  • Allow yourself to feel your feelings.๐Ÿ’™
  • Treat yourself with kindness and self-compassion.๐Ÿ’›
  • Take time to process what you are going through.๐Ÿงก

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