Being Grateful For "Mistakes."

jellyfish, calm, grateful, gratitude
Photo by Julie Radico

Reflect on and sit in gratitude with experiences you’ve labeled “mistakes.” 

This can be an uncomfortable and radical idea, but is often incredibly important in practicing self-compassion.

We tend to carry with us feelings of shame and guilt that hinder our learning from the past and lead us to avoid trying again. This avoidance keeps us stuck in our depression and anxiety. 

Your call to action:

  • Recognize that avoidance maintains anxiety.
    • Don't avoid situations which feel scary but are actually safe.
  • Your negative thoughts might be keeping you stuck.
    • Challenge unhelpful thinking by recognizing the cognitive distortions in your thoughts. 
      • For example: mindreading, negative prediction, catastrophizing.

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I am available to speak to you, your association or organization about mental health, wellness, and more.

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